Stronger the foundation longer the money

Deleted my income projections today I’ve found I only write them to make me feel comfortable which is bullshit and wack af. Why feel comfortable in projections when in a limitless world I could quadruple the numbers I’m putting up. Fuck budgeting that’s no way to live when you’re working hard for it. As long …

Making Leaps

What would a major leap in your life look like? Why don’t you make more of them? We feel good when we make these leaps its almost like shedding a dead layer of skin you’ve been refreshed to 100% but we only have them every so often. One thing I’m realizing about myself is when …

20 vs 60

What’s the difference? I don’t think much. In the reality we live in sure things will be much different but what lives inside us is the same. Drop all of the perspectives and life experience we are the same soul just being. What does this mean? Should our lives be focused on discovering more of …