Road to 1 Mill

Principles Ray Dalio Book Notes

1.3 Be Radically Open Minded and radically transparent Learning is the product of a continuous real time feedback loop in…

A virtual world

Anyone looking to stay young in this world can’t ignore the virtual world. There’s age young and there’s relevance young…

Not following my own advice

Wednesday March 3rd 2021 8:04 I’m here working at 8pm been up working since 7am might sound like a true…

Stuck in Austin with no food

I just wanted to write about this since it’s fucking insane and I’ve never gone through something like this. Flights…

Create Problems for yourself

If you’re not creating problems and solving them and you’ve become successful well fuck that’s awesome but this just doesn’t…

Kill your distractions

GME/AMC/CRYPTO – I 1000% support the movement and community coming together to fight hedge funds but at the end of…

Making Leaps

What would a major leap in your life look like? Why don’t you make more of them? We feel good…

Give Time it’s True Value

Dreams are rooted in the future meaning that you are literally sacrificing today for sometime in the distant future. We…


One thing that I really struggle with is not feeling like Im doing enough I know I need to counteract…

What is Speed?

January 7th 2021 8:52am If I want to speed up my operations what does that mean? Well for me it…

Mental Scaling

Scaling mentally and Scaling your brain what’s the relationship? This is a question that just passed my mind as I…

Be Lazy Scale Bigger

If the goal is to become lazy in everything you do you should be the best lazy you can be….