Principles Ray Dalio Book Notes

1.3 Be Radically Open Minded and radically transparent

Learning is the product of a continuous real time feedback loop in which we make decisions, see their outcomes and improve out understanding of reality as a result. Being Radically open-minded enhances the efficiency of those feedback loops, because it makes what you’re doing, and why so clear to yourself and others that there cant be any misunderstandings.


Open mindedness removes your opinions/biases in your feedback loop, this is important because if you have input that its corrupting the adjustments you will be making to the issue you very well could be not be getting the best solution.

How can I implement this into my life?

When I think I know why things failed I need to get 3 other perspectives and also dig deeper in my brain for other reasons.

Evolutions relation to success and growth

“All machines eventually break down, decompose, and have their parts recycled to create new machines. This includes us. “

Evolution has incentives that we need to tap into. Pain = Progress = Success/Happiness. In the book it uses sex as an example we are incentivized to recreate by the pleasure we get.

I feel that if we can break past the fear of failure it will provide pleasure as it’s evolution of ourselves.

“The Key is to fail, learn, and improve quickly. If you’re constantly learning and improving your evolutionary process will look like the one that’s ascending, do it poorly and it will look like a deep dive off a sharp cliff.

How to make sure that I’m focusing on the right failure that will result in the most growth?

Ask myself the following?

What problem/puzzle am I solving right now? What is the result if I crack this puzzle? Is there a more worthy project to work on right now?

Keep a log of problems I’m solving with how long they take. What do I feel the solution is? How long will this take to solve? How risky is the solution to this problem?

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