7 mindsets of Success – Book notes

Trying something different. I’m going to be taking notes on here for the books I read so I can easily reflect.

Chapter 1 Mindset 1 Future self

Getting in the habit of growing for the future – This is something I strongly believe in making sure that you’re building for the future not for today. Shifting the mindset m

This chapter is all on the focus of the future and provides basic questions to make shifts in thinking that will align you with what you need to focus.

What am I doing well?

What could I be doing better?

Future Self Timeline

Ran-D 2021 ————————-I

Based on this I created a spreadsheet that has a graph that equals up to 100% the 100% is obtained when I have a day that I’m operating the way my future self would operate. This includes everything from habits, attitudes, and thought processes about my business. This will keep this future self mindset top of mind.

Future self projections – Realistic approach to projections puts in perspective time and age – this is an interesting study that could be very useful to someone thats on the wrong path. The danger is putting more weight in the future self than the current reason being is the current self is what’s supposed to create the future person you’re putting that faith in. If you don’t make the changes you will slowly die the same person and the future self you once saw will never become reality.

Some internet sources estimate that an adult makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day. We make 226.7 decisions each day on just food alone according to researchers at Cornell University.

How many of these descisouns are in the lense of what’s best for our future selves (Really the individuals we are) The future self model is designed to shift our thinking and light a fire under our ass.

This aligns with what they say about firing your future self once you carve the mental path to the future self you want to be you will need to adjust it or it will become dull and unexciting. Benchmarking when you hit a new level that level becomes normal and boring.

5 years me and 10 year me is wayyyy different if you don’t look at things from a big picture theres a change you make decisions that will benifit your 5 year self but crush your 10 year self. Be smart about this.

Chapter 2 – Safety net

This one is strange for me as I feel that I could give up some of the things im doing to get even harder but when I map it out the upside of that additional work doesnt equate to what I’d be giving up and everything I’m doing now is to get ride of those clients.

It’s not even a safety net it’s more or doing one thing and investing that money into an asset that’s paying a higher rate of return and if I stop It I won’t get as big of a return.

I dont feel this chapter is for me. But lets try not being lazy and put something together

What if I have a mental safety net that’s limiting the amounts of actions I take? Would this be considered a weak future self image? I think my future self image is high enough but I do think that I haven’t made the connnection between my 5 year self and 10 year self clear enough. If I do this I will probably take more drastic projects. It’s possible that my 10 year self is obtainable faster than I’m picturing.

Share my 5 and 10 year goals

Appreciate people

Appreciate working with them

I need to build a life that’s not ending once I exit but something that keeps going and something that’s I LOVE doing.

This guy we’re meeting with in this bookclub is letting us know to enjoy the Journey he’s retired and misses what he once did. This actually upset me as I know one day I will be there If I don’t build a life that doesn’t have a finish line. It needs to be fluid for happiness and excitement. If all I do is work and I accomplish my financial goals then what’s next? I’d have to build a new life with a “destination” this isn’t right and my life should be built to be supported by my financial goals not run by it.


This is exactly what I implemented from last call: Johns advice on enjoying and celebrating the moments and Journey. I had someone not so great happen in my company and instead of getting pissed of I laughed knowing it was apart of the journey. I also had some great growth over the last few weeks that I made sure I went out of my way to celebrate. I just started to think what I had a system in place to get these types of perspectives 1-3 times a week. What would I look like in 1-2 years from now.

Ability to see situation in different light or from a new angle

Seek what I don’t know:

Identify what I don’t know and what I need to know:

-What Metrics are looked at when exiting a digital asset (How is a brand’s value determined aside from Monthly Rev)

  • How to make sure a brand’s culture thrives with all employees
  • How to make sure your employees are passionate and in alignment with what the company believes in

Jahari quadrant:

Search in the things you dont know


Mentors: Raising funds, Energy, Scaling

Peers: Interns (set up a meeting with each to ask ideas)

Customers: Set up email campaign surrounding improvments on the site

What am I looking for:

  • 100M Net worth – Sonny Find 4 others
  • Scaling a digital brand –
  • A diet that promotes massive energy – Erik, Doctor B

Can and cant control – 10% focus on this 90% is fucking a waste of time Don’t give energy.

If it doesnt challenge you it will never change you

Take on a challenge that pushes you misage 50% chance If its hard enough the lesson will last.

most uncomfortable situation

Misageeee: What do i do

Embrace discomfort: How do I get the most uncomfortable?


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