GME/AMC/CRYPTO – I 1000% support the movement and community coming together to fight hedge funds but at the end of the day trading isn’t something I know and it’s too large of a risk for me to join in and if I did I’d be watching that shit 10 hours a day checking on what it’s doing.

The reality is there are unlimited ways to make substantial amounts of money and being distracted by the ones that are getting the most attention is detrimental to what you’re working on. Stop focusing on what others are doing and do what you know you need to do even if it isn’t as sexy to what others are doing. You will have you chance to do anything you want when you have a solid foundation under you.

Find out how to get laser focus and fucking focus – every day go sit in the same spot and don’t move unless you have to go to the bathroom, leave your phone in a different room and block sites that are time sucks I guaranfuckingtee you will find focus. In my experience, we have a certain amount of time before we can get into focus. Exercise: Set a timer in the upper right corner of your computer and start working and don’t stop for anything even if you feel distracted center yourself and continue your work after a short period you will realize you’re focused. Keep track of how long it took to get into this state. For me it’s about 4 min. After I hit the 4 min I’m in a super focused state. The problem is we don’t give ourselves more than 5 min to try and focus. Everyone gets so fucking distracted over everything.

It’s a muscle – train it like your abs or ass

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