What would a major leap in your life look like? Why don’t you make more of them? We feel good when we make these leaps its almost like shedding a dead layer of skin you’ve been refreshed to 100% but we only have them every so often. One thing I’m realizing about myself is when I make a leap if gives me a sense of accomplishment, enough to fuck off the next month or so instead of going at the goal and making another immediate leap. I’ve now started asking myself what is the next major leap and working towards that. The groundwork doesn’t need to be perfect just good enough not to crumble I can go back and work on the structure later the more important is getting it up. While getting it up more hands are available to help reinforcing the structure after.
Last major leap I’ve made – Upgrading our ORG chart in order to take on more writers/editors, Got a nice car finally (this does more for me mentally)
Next Major leaps – Scaling content to 300 articles a month with only having to focus on 1-2 pieces of the system
Integrating social media into our plan
Mapping out start to finish plan for sites so we can duplicate the process and start creating more sites quicker. (Design, layout, article styles, brand guidelines, affiliate set up, and writer/editor org
Figuring our a system that supports 300 articles a month