January 7th 2021 8:52am
If I want to speed up my operations what does that mean? Well for me it would mean deploying more capital to speed up how fast I get X done and if I speed that up what would be the what’s the difference than if I went slower? “SAFETY” It’s safer I have the chance to pivot if the ROI doesn’t work out but I’m really only talking about 3-4k invested a month and say 4 months go by that’s only a $16k investment. Not only would I get $16k of work I’d get all the learnings that come from doubling the output of my business plan. That alone one could argue is more valuable than $16k.
If safety and fear are at the root of this decision I need to make it NOW because those two things are NOT REAL. Me not taking this action is literally me going against my belief that what is real is malleable.